Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mitt Romney--our first ever JD (Attorney) and MBA President

People seem to miss the exceptional difference available to the Oval Office for the first time in American History: Mitt Romney would be our first-ever JD/MBA. He knows from his MBA how to get things working and get things done.

Because he's also an attorney, he knows more than most how do things within the constraints of the law, how laws get interpreted, how to evaluate the legal scholarship of potential court appointees, and how to propose appropriate writing and enforcement of law as the Nation's Chief.

Hail to the JD/MBA Chief!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mormons literally believe Holy Bible more than Most!

In the Republican "You Tube" CNN debate, candidates were asked if they literally believed every word of the Bible to be the word of God. You heard Mayor Guliani talk about reading it fairly frequently--and more often when things have been difficult in his life. He said he takes many things in the Bible to be allegorical (Translation: Not every word--Not literally true) such as Jonah in the Whale.

Huckabee, mentioning he was probably the only one on stage with a theology degree, described his appreciation of basic instruction such as "love thy neighbor" while saying there are many things in the Bible which are beyond our comprehension--appropriate, perhaps, for an infinite God beyond our understanding (Translation: Not every word is understandable by mere humans--take it on faith--interpretation within Christianity may vary extensively.)

Mitt Romney, the Mormon, said he "absolutely" believes the Bible to be the word of God. Then Anderson Cooper pressed him (knowing he was the one evangelicals most suspect on this issue) as to whether he believed every word literally. Romney, who had given the most solid, certain endorsement of it's truth (and who, quite frankly, has probably read more in the Bible and used it more in counseling with others than any other person on that stage) was momentarily at loss for words at the specific scrutiny.
He concluded that people might interpret it differently than others, but yes (again) he believed it. (Translation: Every word must be taken in context--and yet, since it is of God, through study and inspiration, many can come to unity in understanding and interpretation.)

The fact of the matter is that Mormons, like all Christian scholars, acknowledge that there are times in the Bible where different writers will give details or perspectives of an event that differ. Yet, unlike many scholars (and increasingly many Christian denominations) Mormons DO believe literally in all the miracles and seemingly supernatural occurrences--including the literal, physical resurrection of the Lord and literal Savior of the World--Jesus Christ--and the infinite saving power of his personal sacrifice for our sins. That, perhaps, would be a more powerful question to ask other "so-called Christian" candidates, who, like so many "traditional" Christian faiths, are increasingly accommodating the skepticism of non-believers by saying even the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus were allegorical or not understandable.

By that standard, Mitt Romney is the most literal believer in every word of the Bible out of all of the candidates--Republican or Democratic. By that standard also, Mormonism is far more traditionally Christian than those in many denominations who hide behind the skirts either of the Bible or the contemporary reason of agnostic scholars to take misinformed pot-shots at the so-called dubious Christian credentials of "Mormons." ("Mormons" the label was originally--and in many ways still is--a derogatory name chosen by other Christians to malign or raise suspicions about members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Give and Get The UltiMITT Christmas Gift

Today, while you are making your lists and checking them twice, please consider showing your support for Governor Mitt Romney and bringing some extra presidential holiday cheer into your home this season.

Choose from the following premium packages of Mitt Romney limited time exclusive collectibles:

Give yourself or a loved one a special gift this year, and be proud of sending Mitt Romney onto victory.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Is Mitt Romney a Conservative Christian? If so, is he the most electable?

There's a new poll on Americans' perceptions of the "Mormon" Faith--The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The results stunningly underscore deeply held beliefs by many in America of what Count Leo Tolstoy once described--after his visit to the United States more than 100 years ago--as the then only "orginal" American religion.

How does the The Church of Jesus Christ(LDS) define itself? How might churches and their leaders from the earlier Christian traditions of America describe it?

These questions may have special relevence this week. The National Religious Broadcasters' Association is meeting, and consideration of Mitt Romney's candidacy will be a point of discussion. Here is a link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17149388/

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's official--Mitt Matters! Does his Mormon faith?

Today Mitt officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

"Why should I care?" you ask?

Think about it:

Which of the candidates can we trust--over every other candidate--with OUR collective priorities? How would we really know without making the effort to become truly informed?

Why is Mitt the most trustworthy of presidential contenders in a very crowded field?

Simple. Trustworthiness is the result of:
1. competency
2. commitment, and
3. character.

Mitt Romney demonstrates more of each of these virtues than any other candidate. All three are especially necessary given the uncertainties we are all facing.

What is our greatest current and future need--our priority--as a people?

Creative, comprehensive and collaborative decision-making resulting in:
1. Greater security, responsibility and peace for the U.S. and global citizenry.
2. Widespread liberty, opportunity and prosperity for the U.S. and global economy.
3. Effective leadership, management and change for the U.S. and global community.

To substantially diminish our national and global capabilty to succeed by not electing the candidate most able to leverage the synergy between ALL THREE of these outcomes would be egregious irresponsibility.

To not elect Mitt Romney because of ignorance, misunderstanding or intolerance of his religious faith would be self-defeating bigotry.

In the coming weeks and months this blog will both spell out the self-evident trustworthiness of Mitt Romney and dispel the misunderstandings of his Mormon faith.

You won't want to miss it!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mitt Matters

Albert Einstein once said "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

Today, there is no denying we face significant problems. Who are "we?" "We" are you--and me--and everyone else. We are the people of our world--not just one person, one family, one community, one country or one region of the world.

"We" does not, for the purpose of this site, mean a collective of our governments or institutions, but rather the interdependence of all of us individually--at the fundamental common denominator of our humanity.

We are all the children of our times, the children of common ancestors, the children of the same God who loves each of us unconditionally--regardless of our beliefs, our perceptions, our differences or our understanding.

As such, we have unique and amazing endowments from our true identities that, if appropriately engaged and leveraged can marshall the awareness, the imagination, the conscience and collective will necessary to create a world of responsibility, civility, peace, abundance and opportunity for all. It is within that context that this site will be examining the future of leadership in the United States of America--and its impact on leadership worldwide.

Part of the process here will be to understand history and its role in informing and enlightening the path forward for our times. History will help us see that we may not have originally created many of the problems that we face, yet We choose whether or not we perpetuate or even accelerate them--and thereby we choose if We create them anew each and every day.

The understanding of history will also help us anticipate pitfalls encourage us to avoid the insanity of continuing to do what we have always done and expect different results. It will help us identify the candidate with the greatest capacity to

  1. collaborate with others and create a Win-Win for all concerned
  2. apply tremendous mental capacity for the new "level of thinking" we need
  3. navigate the demands of both domestic and international economic excellence
  4. listen deeply and empathize with others on the issues
  5. provide the sense of dignity, integrity, humor and appropriate ceremony to sustain the leadership and inspiration needed both domestically and internationally.
  6. balance the complexities of international relations and super power responsibilities
  7. provide the greatest sense of personal Presidential appeal from being both approachable and popular.

Therefore, this site will focus on the candidacy of Mitt Romney, and examine the possibility that he may very well be the best person to lead the United States of America as its President after 2008. This site will continue to consider ALL "The Significant Problems WE face...." in the context of the next U.S. Presidential race.

Join in with us as We probe Our paradigms, pose Our problems, sound out Our solutions, consider Our candidates and promote Our pick--Our preferred President for Our future. Every key indicator, to date, is that Mitt Romney is, in fact, that future President of the United States of America.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Take a 2008 Presidential Election Poll Here

Who would you choose to win the Presidential Election in 2008?
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton
John McCain
Joseph Biden
Rudolph Guiliani
Barak Obama
Newt Gingrich
Al Gore
Mike Huckabee
John Kerry
pollcode.com free polls